EDC tactical pens are typically heavier than ordinary pens.
For long-term durability, they're constructed of anodized aluminum, aviation aluminum, steel, or titanium. The design of this type of pen featured the ability to withstand physical contact, such as if you slap an enemy in the head with it.
Because tactical pens can smash a vehicle's glass in a single stroke, they can be employed as window breakers. As a consequence, this tactical pen may be able to save your life and the lives of your loved ones in the event of a car accident.
It also works well as a self-defense tool, as the tungsten point appears sharp enough to cause harm to uninvited attackers. Switching between the glass breaker and the pen appears to be a straightforward process using the cap clip mechanism.
The pen fits comfortably in your hand when held in a grip position.

 reasons why keeping an EDC tactical pen with you